U dobi od 5-7 godina sazrijevaju sve fiziološke funkcije koje omogućavaju i razvoj subgovorno-jezičnih funkcija potrebnih za neometano učenje čitanja i pisanja. U slučajevima kašnjenja ili zaostajanja u govrno-jezičnom razvoju uslovljenog različitim etiološkim faktorima i razvoj ovih funkcija je u zaostajanju, te ih je potrebno sistematski i ciljano razvijati i poboljšavati. Kod djece koja pohađaju dječji vrtić to je mogućena dva načina: grupno, kroz različite aktivnosti koje prate ontogentski razvoj djeteta, a provode ih odgajateljice, i na višem stupnju u individualnom logopedskom tretmanu kod djece kod koje je primarni problem goovrni,jezični ili govorno-jezični.
U individualnom terapeutskom radu vrsta i stupanj govorno-jezičnog odstupanja uvjetuju intenzitet, metode i sredstva, pa je nužno uključiti i osobnu kreativnost i inventivnost kako bi ostavrili postavljene ciljeve. Jedan od načina je i kreiranje koja se ciljano i stematski dotiče određenog problema i služi kao didaktičko sredstvo za rad, I kod kuće I kod logopeda.
Ključne riječi: subgovorno-jezične funkcije, vrtić, sredstva i metode, inventivnost, vježbenica
Ways and methods of development of sub speech-language functions in kindergarten
All physiological functions making possible the development of sub speech-language functions required for unhindered learning of reading and writing mature between the ages of 5 and 7. In case of late or stunted speech-language development caused by different etiological factors, the development of these functions also falls behind, and they need to be developed and improved in a systematic and focused way. In kindergarten children this can be done at two levels: group level, through different activities accompanying the ontogenetic development of children conducted by kindergarten teachers and at the second, higher level, individually through logopaedic treatment of children whose primary problem falls in the domain of speech, language or speech-language, sub speech-language functions being an integral part of speech and language.
In individual therapeutic work, the intensity, methods and means of work are dependent on the type and level of speech-language deviation, so that consequently, the realization of goals set requires the application of personal creativity and inventiveness. One way is the creation of a workbook purposefully and systematically dealing with a certain issue, serving as a didactic means of work, both at home and at the speech pathologist’s office.
Key words: sub-speech-language functions, kindergarten, means and methods, inventiveness, workbook