Mucanje i mentalna retardacija po svojoj kompleksnosti sa specifičnim uzrocima i posljedicama na svim razinama ličnosti zahtijevaju multidisciplinaran i interdisciplinaran pristup i tretman, ponaosob. Udruženi u jedinstvenom fizičkom biću gdje se isprepliću uzroci i posljedice manifestirajući se kao poteškoće u različitim segmentima funkcioniranja ova dva sindroma zahtijevaju dugotrajan i sistematski logopedski tretman te angažman drugih stručnjaka i ciljanu strukturiranost cjelokupnog tretmana. Na primjeru 11-ogodišnjeg dječaka Z. prikazat ćemo govorne poteškoće karakteristične za mucanje i specifičnosti jezika koje su svojstvene mentalnoj retardaciji, tijek logopedskog tretmana i napredovanje, te pristup problemu u uvjetima domskog smješataja.
Ključne riječi: mucanje, mentalna retardacija, logopedski tretman
Stuttering and mental retardation
Stuttering and mental retardation require, due to their complexity and specific causes and consequences on all levels of human personality, multidisciplinary approach and separate treatment. United within a unique physical creature where the causes and consequences which are interwoven manifest themselves as difficulties in various segments of functioning, these two syndromes require long-term and systematic logopedic treatment and engaging other expert professionals, as well as the targeted structural organisation of the whole treatment. Through the example of the 11-year-old boy Z. we will demonstrate speech difficulties characteristic of stuttering and specific speech properties peculiar to mental retardation, course of logopedic treatment and progress, as well as the approach to the problem adopted in the conditions of accommodation in a home for handicapped
Key words: stuttering, mental retardation, logopedic treatment